Step 1. Email us at:
• please include the following
- Your Name:
- Your e-mail address:
- Your mailing address:
- Item Name:
- Item Colour(If any):
- Quantity Ordered:
- Mode of Transaction (POSBank Transfer/Concealed Cash):
- Contact No. (Optional):
- Preferred mode of postage (Normal/Registered Mail):
- Total Amount:
• (No charge for Normal mail, Add S$2.80 for Registered Mail)
• Step 2. Wait for our comfirmation mail which will be sent to you within 3 days.
• Step 3. Make your payment.
• Step 4. Goods will be sent upon receival of payment, accompanied by an email.
• After confirmation mail is sent, payment is expected to be received within 7 days.
• A reminder email will be sent to you 4 days after the confirmation mail.
• If payment is not made within 7 days, the order will be cancelled.